Monday, November 29, 2010

Bucket List

  1. Bungee jump
  2. Sky dive
  3. Become tri-lingual
  4. Volunteer teaching English
  5. Visit all 6 continents
  6. Get my boat licence
  7. Get my motorbike licence
  8. Skinny-dip
  9. Hitchhike
  10. Watch the sunset and sunrise from a beautiful beach
  11. Hang-glide
  12. Work as a correspondent
  13. Make friends all around the world
  14. Write a book
  15. Take the Ghan
  16. Sell my photographs
  17. Design my own home
  18. Get married
  19. Go on a cruise
  20. Master surfing
  21. Work as a tour guide
  22. Graduate University
  23. Get 100% on a test
  24. Swim with dolphins
  25. Get my scuba dive licence
  26. Visit Uluru
  27. Work on a boat
  28. Get a story on the front page of a newspaper
  29. Run a marathon
  30. Visit a volcano
  31. Live in Asia
  32. Speak Japanese in Japan
  33. Go in a helicopter
  34. Go on safari in Africa
  35. Win a big prize
  36. Get a free first-class upgrade
  37. XXX
  38. Learn to snowboard
  39. Start a charity
  40. Play in a band
  41. Go to the World Cup
  42. Camp in Alaska
  43. Run with the bulls
  44. Go to La Tomatina
  45. Go to Oktoberfest
  46. Go to live wrestling
  47. Walk the Great Wall of China
  48. Go to mud springs
  49. Date someone famous
  50. Drive all around Australia
  51. Visit somewhere not on any map
  52. Live with elephants
  53. Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge
  54. Attend Christmas Eve mass
  55. Find a religion
  56. Catch my own dinner
  57. Open a B&B
  58. Go to a huge English music fest
  59. See Antarctica
  60. Live in France
  61. Live in a third-world country
  62. Visit a war zone
Things I never want to do
  1. Touch a snake
  2. Get a divorce
  3. Go to jail
  4. Insult someones culture
  5. Stop travelling

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